Speech: Baby coos, gurgles, babbles, responds to voice
Signing: May recognize and respond to signs, Babbles and plays with hands, Might make first sign
Speech: Has increased range of vocalizations, Mimics sounds (Lyla does this already at 5 months)
Signing: Recognizes your signs, May make 1-10 or more signs
12-18 MONTHS
Speech: May say first words, communicate by pointing, can follow simple one step directions
Signing: May make 1-50 or more signs, May begin combining signs into simple sentences
18-24 MONTHS
Speech: May say up to 20+ words, Jabbers incoherently at times, Follows simple instructions
Signing: May make 100+ signs, Combine spoken words with signs, Combine signs into simple sentences, Has increased range of vocalizations
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