My mother-in-law just had a conversation with Jack Winton, one of my recently deceased father-in-law’s dearest business partners. Jack told her that every Monday morning for the last 22 years he has held an employee conference meeting. Last Monday morning he began with, “Today we have a very special guest who is very interested in seeing that we give the very best service and product to our customers and wants us to improve doing so. His name is God, and I would like to have a show of hands if you are comfortable asking for his presence in this meeting.” Jack said immediately all 18 hands went up. So he offered a brief prayer to begin their meeting. And he said he did it again at this morning’s meeting. I told him how happy that would have made Marty and he said, “I think it was Marty urging me to do it!”
This past Saturday our renovated neighborhood park had a grand opening. There I became re-acquainted with a Rover Elementary mom who shared with me her love for God and efforts to have him more a part of the PTA and school for the benefit of all. I was edified by her witness. She is doing a much needed work in our community.
How can you be a witness of God today?
CLICK HERE for Clark’s latest email.
I am going to take that challenge and get back with you. I’d love to hear how you stood up for God in your life. Comment here:
Oh, Kristin! I love this post. The story about Jack and Marty made me tear up.
So, I took this challenge too. Yesterday I left a few messages with people that I haven’t kept in spoken with for a while. But today, I have already taken two opportunities to witness of Jesus Christ.
One was with an older neighbor and friend, who I went to visit this morning. She is a member of a good church and after she gave me an update on many of the wonderful charitable events they organize, I said, “It all comes down to Jesus Christ, doesn’t it? He is the center of all that is good. I am so grateful for His perfect example.” She smiled and agreed. From Jesus Himself, “The first and great commandment is: Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart…. The second is like unto it, love thy neighbor as thyself.”
My second opportunity was on my doorstep when another neighbor came by to give me $5 toward a flower arrangement the people on my street are giving to a family who recently lost their husband and father. My neighbor shared how funerals are hard for her. At some point I said, “This life isn’t the end. There is life after death. Jesus was resurrected so that we can all be resurrected too.” She had the greatest comeback about a grand potluck in the sky. I am uplifted by the faith of those around me.
Talking about God can be really hard, but it gets easier with practice. I am glad I had this challenge to push me to practice talking about the subject that matters most: There truly is a God, our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and a Holy Ghost. This unified threesome helps me, loves me and guides me every day.