Becoming a True Follower of Christ: How Taking the Sacrament Increases My Consecration
Elder Torrez (our area authority) recently taught us, “Become a true follower of Christ. What will you do about this invitation? The tender mercies of Jesus Christ are to make us mighty. Even unto deliverance.” Elder Torrez continued, “The Lord meets us no matter where we are.” I agree with him because I have found it true in my life. The Lord knows me and tutors and cares for me in the unique way that only I need and can understand.

I have a question for you. Who do you live for?

My Texas Mission
– born again Christians, “Are you saved?”
– really asking “Have you had a spiritual experience that caused you to apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ in your life?”
– SAY “Yes!”
– Many fellow Christians believe as we do that being saved is only the beginning. Alma 5: 9-14.

– Alma 5:17 – to righteous works. Christ’s work.
– We call this dedication, CONSECRATION. Consecration means dedicating yourself to God’s purposes.
Paul taught this consecration in Romans 12:1. Think of yourself as the sacrifice as I read this quote from “Bibles for America.”

“An Old Testament sacrifice was setting something apart fro God by putting it on the altar. It is offered, of one’s free will, to God. It no longer belongs to the one offering it. It belongs to God, for His use and satisfaction.”

Who do you live for? If you have been baptized, you have promised Heavenly Father to live for Him and Jesus Christ.

– Mosiah 18: 16-18. What do you promise, what is promised to you?
– bear one another’s burden
– morn with those…
– comfort those that stand…
– stand as a witness of God at …
– redeemed of God
– numbered with those
– eternal life

We consecrate ourselves to Christ when we are baptized.

True conversion is referred to as being born again.
– John 3:5
How is Christ like a father to us?
– Take His name (Mosiah 5:7)
– Follow Him, obey Him, follow His example…
– In His family
– Provides, protects, saves us
Are you keeping your baptismal promises?

What will help me keep my consecration?
Wouldn’t it be cool if there was something that:
– reminds me of this promise I made?
– allows me to renew my commitment to take His name upone me – to be His true follower?
– washes my mistakes away? Mistakes I made because I forgot for a moment that I promised to give my life to Christ, Mistakes I made because I felt selfish or afraid or untrusting of God?

The sacrament is a gift to each of us if taken worthily and sincerely and helps us keep our baptismal covenant.

The sacrament:
– reminds
– renews and completes our
– repentance process.

Ideas to teach the importance of the sacrament to children:
– My babies didn’t take the sacrament until they could recognize a picture of Jesus Christ.
– My little kids couldn’t color, read or such until after the sacrament.
– We do important things with our right hands (oath, pledge, shake on a deal, tell the truth in a court). Practice at home.

How can I use the sacrament to increase my consecration?

Sacrament prayer says we:
– witness that willing to take name
– always remember Him
– keep His commandments
And in return:
– We will have His spirit to be with us.

The Spirit helps us in our consecration because:
– guidance
– comfort and
– strength. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is not just for when we sin, it makes me more. It makes me more than I am alone.
– The Fruits of the Spirit in Gal. 5:22-25

The sacrament increases my ability to do His work.

I invite you to improve your consecration that happened at your baptism through careful reverent partaking of the sacrament.
– remember it
– renew it
– repent and
– reap the rewards

In doing so I have increased my ability to help Jesus Christ in His marvelous work.

I testify that Jesus Christ lives. I know this not because I have seen him with my own eyes, but because I have seen unmistakable evidence of His living, current, tangible influence in my life and in His Church. He has guided me to know what to do and say. He has comforted me in times of trial. He has strengthened me in times of temptation.

I feel Him near me – at times – when I am reading the scriptures and especially when I am pleading on my knees – not always, but enough times. I refuse to forget these spiritual moments. They are foundational to my testimony and continue to fortify it.

Though I haven’t seen Jesus Christ here on earth, I know others have. I trust that these prophets speak the words of the Lord and I follow their every word to the best of my ability. I sustain President Nelson as our new president of The Church and prophet of the world. I love him. I feel his love for me as I listen to him speak. I sustain Bishop Hilton and his counselors as our new bishopric.

I know Heavenly Father and I know Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. I have spoken to them. I have studied Jesus Christ’s life and their doctrine. They have spoken to me through my thoughts and other forms of personal revelation. I am grateful Jesus instituted the sacrament to help support me in my consecrated path to serve him always.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

1 thought on “Becoming a True Follower of Christ: How Taking the Sacrament Increases My Consecration”

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