I invite you to “Come to Jesus.” Here are some ways you can do this:
- Pray. Pour your heart to Him. He is there.
- Ask God a question. Thank God for the scriptures. Ask for His Spirit to be with you. Then ask God your question. Next, listen to your thoughts and write them down. Then open up His Word in the Bible or the Book of Mormon and read until you get your answer. (SEE Wendi Nelson’s talk below.)
- Go to church. Better yet, come to church with me. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are welcome in any of our church buildings. Find the one near you.
- Repent.
- Make some spiritual goals. Ask God which one is the most important one and do it.
- Read the words of the Jesus Christ in the Bible and Book of Mormon everyday.
- Tell your family members that you love them.
The Savior wants to forgive us. He has forgiven me countless times. I know He love you and me. He is there. We just need to believe Him when He says, “Come follow me.”
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