While exploring the beautiful state of Pennsylvania this fall, Duncan and I were honored to visit the Durkin family. Norma prepared the best meal we had eaten the entire trip. Steaks, broccoli and cauliflower, au gratin potatoes, and this delicious homemade bread! Norma used quinoa instead of bulgar and added pumpkin and sunflower seeds, which are optional. I share this amazing recipe with her permission:
Bulgar Honey Wheat Bread
by Norma Durkin
1 c. bulgar wheat (or use stoneground whole wheat flour if you don’t have bulgar)
2 T. olive oil
1/3 c. honey
2 packages dry yeast
2 tsp. salt
¼ c. warm water
3 c. boiling water
3 c. unbleached white flour
3 c. whole wheat flour
Combine bulgar, boiling water, honey, oil and salt. Cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in ¼ c. warm water. Add to cooled bulgar mix. Add flour until dough begins to come away from the sides of the bowl. Turn out onto counter and knead in remaining flour, using a little more or less until you get a smooth dough. Place in a greased bowl and turn to coat dough with a little olive oil, cover with loose waxed paper or light cotton towel and
raise until doubled in bulk in a warm area away from drafts. Punch down, divide into two loaves and place in greased loaf pans. Rise again until
nearly doubled in bulk. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes.
Optional — I like to add about ¼ cup of seeds for protein when adding the first cup or two of flour, such as one or two of the following nuts/seeds.
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Flax seeds