I know that Jesus Christ lives today. He, the mighty Jehovah who created the earth and all that is on it, was sent to the world to fulfill HIS Father’s will. He started out like all of us, as a tiny newborn babe. He lived a mortal life, though a perfect one, that he may understand our every trial and concern. He knows the weakness of man and can succor us as well as teach us how to succor others.
Christ alone is the Savior of the world and each individual in a personal real way. We are all sinners. Our lives have been messed up by our own mortality, where our natural physical selves tend to rebel against God. THANK GOODNESS we also know about our divine nature, which we strive to have dominate the natural man. It is through Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit that we can come to know Jesus Christ, be perfect IN and through Him and be like Him.
Our good works are a response to God’s grace, not ways of earning salvation. For salvation comes because of Jesus Christ’s work in Gethsemane, on the cross and arising the third day. This is the infinite, eternal, last sacrifice that we call the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
We accept the offering of salvation by having faith in Jesus Christ, which leads us to repentance. Repentance leads to peace and happiness and being worthy to stand in His presence. No wonder He asks us to repent often. I love Heavenly Father’s plan. I am thankful for my Savior, OUR Savior, Jesus Christ.
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