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A Few books on my shelf:
- Act of Marriage by Tim and Beverly LaHaye (Duncan and I read this book separately while we were engaged. It laid a good foundation for an important part of marriage. I have often been grateful for this book over the last 28 years.)
- Baby Wise by Robert Bucknam, MD (These suggestions should be taken according to your own parenting style, however many concepts of boundaries and marriage are essential to parenting a newborn.)
- Believing Christ by Stephen E. Robinson (The marvelous news of The Gospel of Jesus Christ effects everything I do as a woman and parent. Increasing your knowledge of Jesus Christ is my #1 recommendation.)
- Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson (Creating loving relationships includes communication, healing, and respect. This book shows the way to enduring bonds between parents and their children.)
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (This book helps build relationships in families too.)
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey (Life planning applies to family goals. These concepts should be exemplified by parents and taught to children.)
- The Book of Mormon (Another testament of Jesus Christ recorded by ancient inhabitants of the Americas. This divine record has brought me closer to God. I am a better parent because of this book.)
- The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown (In my opinion Brene Brown offers social change that is deeply significant to families.)
- The Holy Bible (This is the history of God’s dealings with mankind as recorded by prophets of God from Adam and Eve through the life of Jesus Christ and his ancient apostles and disciples. I have learned more about parenting from studying the way God treats us, than by any other way.)
- The Mozart Effect for Children by Don Campbell (Uplifting music blesses every aspect of childhood and family life.)
MY Bookshelf: The Best Books Click HERE
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