Many of you have read the following phrase over and over again in the Bible:
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Matthew 7:7
Do you wish it was true? What if God could really answer your prayer? Can YOU be trusted to decipher between your thoughts and God’s promptings? Are you worthy to talk to God? Have you tried over and over with no obvious results?
Can I share some ideas about PERSONAL REVELATION that have been helpful for me lately on this topic?
“Personal Revelation is a tender experience to petition our Heavenly Father in sincere, heartfelt prayer and look to Him for personal guidance.“
Elder L. Lionel Kendrick
FIRST, If you haven’t already, I encourage you to do Wendi Nelson’s Challenge found in this 8 minute talk.
Then, apply the principles in a couple some recent Ensigns. (I am NOT good at reading the Ensigns when they come. Months will go by without me cracking open a single one. BUT I DID crack open these two and couldn’t put them down because they were just what I needed. … All about personal revelation: March and April 2019. If you haven’t already, I would suggest reading both magazines from cover to cover. Mark them up and practice what they teach. I have done this and it has helped me – gradually.) Here are some of my favorites from the two issues:
Doubt Not But Be Believing
Instruments or Agents?
What Can I Do to Receive Answers From God?
Personalized Personal Revelation
Another complication in the equation is wanting to do everything. I have FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out. You may wonder, like me, “I can do it all. Go to school, be fit, be an actress, be a wonderful mother, be a spiritual giant, and hike the Arizona Trail with my kids ALL while gathering Israel.” I have wondered about this unearthly amount of ambition I sometimes have. Why am I plagued with so many desires? I am incredible, so if I have the desire to do something good, there must be a reason – right?
I can’t say it better than Elder D. Todd Christofferson. This devotoinal is a must see for everyone!
THAT IS A TON of information. Sorry. (If you want more, just google “Personal Revelation LDS.”) Please know that God is there. He loves you so much! You are doing exactly what he wants you to do, being a parent in Zion AND it would be nice to feel his guidance! It would make sense to feel His support and love. (I write it down – when I feel this love, so I won’t forget it between times.)
There ARE gaps between my spiritual experiences. This is part of living by faith. Gee! I felt a void more when the kids were little – probably because there was so little “quiet” and the “stillness” was hard to come by. Also, I was exhausted – sleep and “me time” deprived. Practicing prayer and scripture study and receiving personal revelation takes time and patience. No wonder I have made headway in these areas since my kids got older. STILL, you NEED it NOW and Heavenly Father has promised answers and love to you, so don’t give up. Take the time and BE PATIENT.
“We should welcome the opportunity to grow in spiritual power to experience deeper joy and define, each of us, real meaning in our life.”
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Living by faith is not easy. Learning to receive personal revelation is work. BUT I know it is the way to being unified with God, so I try everyday. YOU DO TOO. I know that. You follow the counsel you receive: you go to church, have a family, read your scriptures, go to the temple – even when it is hard. You have been and will continue to be blessed for your tremendous obedience and righteousness. We can do this! It is worth it!
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