father's hand holding mother's hand holding babies hand

10 Excellent Family Websites

  • Lil Learning Lab – The best of online preschool learning and in person preschool. Don’t miss out! Miss Anna is a wonderful preschool teacher. She teaches volumes and volumes of information to her students. Most of her graduates are reading before they go to kindergarten!
  • Actively Family – Get organized, work together, and have fun!
  • Bread Brother’s Bakery – My Brother John is the founder of Bread Brothers, a gourmet kitchen and online store. You will LOVE their granola and much more!
  • Come Unto Christ – This website has every topic under the sun to build faith and answer your deep questions.
  • Covalent Moments – My Cousin Linsey is the creator of great family, seminary and group games.
  • Parenting Secrets – Being a GREAT parent is important to me BUT I am not perfect at parenting. I DO try my best everyday. This is the REAL me. This BLOG is about WHAT I have learned while mothering my five very different kids. Want a happier family? Let me tell you some parenting secrets.
  • Mom4Real – I just cleaned BETWEEN the glass on my oven door, which has been bugging me for months, and it was so easy because of THIS BLOG. She has TONS of recipes and ideas for homemade cleaners and must-know household tricks.
  • Pulling Curls – My friend Hilary is a labor and delivery nurse with a wonderful personality that you will love on her maternity prep blog.
  • The Food Nanny – Inspiration is here at last! Dinner for your family will never be the same again.
  • Wonder Moms – Parenting Children with Special Needs.

New Mom and Baby Care:






Family Vacations

Healthy family living includes emotional care for yourself and your relationships. Camping is the way my husband and I have taken our kids to see Washington D.C., and many National and State Parks. If you want some ideas on a taking a trip before baby comes check out Babymoon Holidays. My suggestion is keep your needs and wants in check. Don’t be extravagant. Besides, trips should happen before AND after kids. Duncan and I have traveled a TON with our kids, in fact most of them have been to 49 of the 50 states (we still need to visit North Dakota), including many state and national parks. You have GOT to try out the Jr. Ranger Program! It makes traveling with kids an extra adventure.

Infant Language Development

Baby Sign Language is a wonderful way to speed up speech development, reduce frustration in young children by giving them a means to express themselves before they know how to talk, increase parent-child bonding, and let babies communicate vital information, such as if they are hurt or hungry. My friend Sarah is a pro at this. She has taught her 3 young children sign and Spanish while keeping their primary language English. Her videos of many children songs and words are HERE.

Eye and Vision Care

InfantSEE®, is designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an essential part of infant wellness care to improve a child’s quality of life. Under this public health program, participating optometrists provide a comprehensive infant eye assessment between 6 and 12 months of age as a no-cost public service. Click here to learn more and locate a doctor in your area who can provide the free infant assessment.

How do I know if my child needs glasses or contacts? Here are 7 Signs to “look” for. 🙂

Which Drugs Are Safe?

Healthy living for the family includes knowing which Safe drugs there are for the home? Consumer Safety Guide was created to keep the public informed with the most recent information on popular prescription medications and FDA-approved medical devices that could be endangering your health or putting your loved ones at risk. Similar information is found at DrugDanger.com. For information on drug addiction CLICK HERE.

Good Quality Sleep For Your Child

Getting enough good-quality of sleep is vital for a child’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. How much does your baby need? How do you get your baby on a sleeping routine. Check out Sleep Reports.

Emergency Preparedness

Preparation for Emergencies is an important part of healthy family living. Water is more essential for survival than food, so parents should prepare for unexpected natural disasters, chemical spills, and water shortages by first having emergency water storage.