happy families

family tree with names on hearts hanging on the branches.

Family History and Missionary Work

Family history and missionary work go hand in hand. Invite a friend to find joy in family history with a few simple questions. “It is all one work.” – Elder Bednar To Spread the Enthusiasm About Family Research, Ask a Friend: “Are your parents living?” then … “Do you know your 4 grandparents?” then … […]

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family life father kissing his son with wife and other child looking on

What About Fathers

Fathers everywhere, you have a wonderful opportunity to serve, make people laugh and to be a hero. Your kids want: your attention, your kisses, your devotion and your jokes. Believe in You I believe in fathers. I believe in “the ideal of the man who puts his family first.” (Blankenhorn, Fatherless America, 5.) “By divine design, fathers are

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toddler lifting a block above his head

Why Do Toddlers Misbehave?

Why are toddlers stinkers sometimes?   Toddlers Are People Too In my observations, toddlers “misbehave” at times because they are developmentally in a place where they are beginning to form opinions and they are learning how to express these opinions. These opinions may be different than ours, or expressed at inconvenient times for the parent,

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Kid with superhero cape punching the sunshine

Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Building self-confidence in your child is essential. Here are some of my ideas: Promote social interactions (in a safe environment). Affirm their ability to do or make stuff (Summertime is a great time to do this!) Let them choose the movie, book, song. (Say “yes” as often as you can so that when you need

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Five women from different cultures around the world touching heads on top of each other

The Value of Women

Women must be given rights, be valued as equal citizens in order for there to be political peace and progress. An article in the Economist about Bride Price supports claim that high bride prices and polygamy in Africa creates a shortage of brides which has contributed to violence in many African countries. In the above

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Hello!  I have to say that this past week, our third in Utah, was quite relaxing for me. Kay and Lyla made it home to Colorado safely, but it took them two days because of another snow storm. She had planned on spending 4 nights and ended up spending 8 because of weather delays on

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