This morning I was tired. The thought of supervising the kids on the summer goals seemed a burden.
Funny. I had just written a question to pray about. “How can I teach my children to use their time wisely, make time for scripture reading, use their money wisely, and observe the commandments of God?”
I know those parental concerns are gigantic, but I DID feel one answer is SUMMER GOALS.
The time and my kids worth it.
A great example of a mom who took charge is Sonya Carson: “Ben Carson said of himself, ‘I was the worst student in my whole fifth-grade class.’ One day Ben took a math test with 30 problems. The student behind him corrected it and handed it back. The teacher, Mrs. Williamson, started calling each student’s name for the score. Finally, she got to Ben. Out of embarrassment, he mumbled the answer. Mrs. Williamson, thinking he had said “9,” replied that for Ben to score 9 out of 30 was a wonderful improvement. The student behind Ben then yelled out, ‘Not nine! … He got none … right.’ Ben said he wanted to drop through the floor.
“At the same time, Ben’s mother, Sonya, faced obstacles of her own. She was one of 24 children, had only a third-grade education, and could not read. She was married at age 13, was divorced, had two sons, and was raising them in the ghettos of Detroit. Nonetheless, she was fiercely self-reliant and had a firm belief that God would help her and her sons if they did their part.
“One day a turning point came in her life and that of her sons. It dawned on her that successful people for whom she cleaned homes had libraries—they read. After work she went home and turned off the television that Ben and his brother were watching. She said in essence: You boys are watching too much television. From now on you can watch three programs a week. In your free time you will go to the library—read two books a week and give me a report.
“The boys were shocked. Ben said he had never read a book in his entire life except when required to do so at school. They protested, they complained, they argued, but it was to no avail. Then Ben reflected, “She laid down the law. I didn’t like the rule, but her determination to see us improve changed the course of my life.”
“And what a change it made. By the seventh grade he was at the top of his class. He went on to attend Yale University on a scholarship, then Johns Hopkins medical school, where at age 33 he became its chief of pediatric neurosurgery and a world-renowned surgeon. How was that possible? Largely because of a mother who, without many of the advantages of life, magnified her calling as a parent.” (Quote from Tad R. Callister, Nov 2014)
SO! This is what I decided: Even though my feet are swollen from the hike last week and I am pooped, I WILL spend quality time teaching and supporting my kids today.
I timed Adam and Curt on the following:
Strip beds (2 minutes)
Start wash load of linens (2 1/2 minutes)
Curt practiced violin while Adam reviewed his summer goals – I will not lie to you, he was really eating a snack.
Adam practiced viola while Curt did a summer goal – Cleaned out the cabinet under the bathroom sink (15 minutes)
Curt practiced piano while Adam did a summer goal – Cleaned out the silver wear drawer (15 minutes) – made up for his slack earlier.
Adam practiced piano while Curt did a summer goal – Cleaned another cabinet by the dining room table. (15 minutes)
So there! In one hour and 4 minutes I was able to reinforce their learning in some important ways. Yes, I sit by them while they practice, but no, I don’t make sure they do it perfect. I am mostly there to support them and answer their questions. Go team!