I have to say that this past week, our third in Utah, was quite relaxing for me. Kay and Lyla made it home to Colorado safely, but it took them two days because of another snow storm. She had planned on spending 4 nights and ended up spending 8 because of weather delays on both sides of the trip.
Because we have had one thing after another the last few months I decided to do some relaxing this week so after cleaning the house and getting groceries and catching up on email and my blog and getting Curt registered for next year… I did some reading, went on a hike with Duncan and watched a Charles Dickens movie.
We had a fun Saturday! After chores, Dunc, Curt and I walked from our house all the way to Neff’s Canyon. It was a long outing, which took us about three hours. But we got into snow then into the forest walking uphill and didn’t slip and slide around too much! It reminded me of being in Narnia. The sun was out, lots of hikers were around us and it wasn’t as cold as it looks. It’s been interesting to learn that a lot of people who like to hike have dogs. We saw many many dogs on Saturday.
I have also included a couple pictures of our visit to Logan. Janet (my sister) is a gourmet cook, which we often benefit from while there. I am studying the art of making pasta myself, but Janet is already very experienced in this. Curt went skiing with Uncle Rob while we visited in the toasty warm lodge. He has learned how to ski backwards and LOVES the sport.

The toppings are fresh pico do gallo and cotija. DELICIOUS!

Saturday night Duncan, Dan, Angela and I got to go to a Utah Jazz game! The Jazz didn’t win, but it was really fun and exciting. There were some big stars on the Jazz AND Houston Rockets teams. I probably should have paid better attention, but it was so fun to talk to Angela! We have so much to talk about! Also we rode in Dan’s Tesla for the first time. He found a place with little traffic, asked us to put our heads back against the head rests and demonstrated what 0 to 60 feels like in 3 seconds. What a thrill!

On Sunday we went to Music and the Spoken Word again. Then we went to her Brother and Sister Dimaggio’s (from Lakeshore ward) missionary apartment for a tour. They live RIGHT ACROSS from the conference center (to the west). It is so fun to see them! After church (where we saw tons of new friends) we went to Nick‘s Eagle Court of Honor. There was a live Eagle! The bird trainer used a special eagle hood at the right times so the eagle wouldn’t get scared, would take it off of the eagle at certain times when the boys were standing still to pose for pictures. There is a picture on Angela’s blog that shows how the trainer was able to lift up her arm and the eagle would stretch out it’s 6 feet wingspan! The Eagles name is “Freedom.” You can also see a picture of Curt (back left) in the eagles nest, which over flowed the choir loft. There were 9 young men that got their eagles in their ward at the end of 2019.
We had a nice dinner with Dan and Angela, Nick and Marty and Lizzie! Marty is one of my nephew’s – Dan and Angela’s oldest son – who proposed to Lizzie in Hawaii on Valentine’s Day. It has been really fun to live closer to different members now that we are in a different place. Dan and Angela do not seem tired of us yet, we are definitely not going to get tired of them – ever. I have made many many friends. I went to a book club this week and a stake Relief Society service project and drove in the carpool for the first time. I have also included a picture of Dan and Duncan sitting in the bleachers at the wrestling match this week. Both Curt and Nick pinned their opponents. I have included a picture of Curt talking with some coaches and the referee. He seems to get along with the coaches well. He was a guinea pig to demonstrate some moves in behalf of the discussion.

Curt has about 5 more matches before March 7th and then will start on the track team at the high school. We attended the informational meeting, which was impressive and Curt met the coaches.
Well, that is probably more than you wanted to know. We are well! The sky is full of clouds right now, but it looks like it may clear up and we’ll have some more sunshine today. I know that Jesus Christ lives! I know that the ordinances and covenants necessary to return live at my father again available through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that the Holy Ghost is available to all who will seek its comforting presence and reassuring guidance.
Have a great day!