On my walk this morning, I took a new route. I sped past this front yard, then had to backtrack to get a better look. I felt I could totally relate to these neighbors. They went to a great deal of effort and expense to install these awesome planter boxes, drip systems and the works. They had wonderful intentions to use their front yard practically to benefit from the use of their land in beautiful healthful ways. The first season probably went great, but now that a year has gone by and the newness has worn off, planting, weeding, and harvesting is a real chore and life is really busy. Hahahha! I also had the best of intentions as I excitedly created a planter in my back yard just a week ago. I still haven’t put any soil in it! The spring planting season is passing me by and I am already loosing steam. As Denise, one of my professional gardening friends says, “Bless my heart.
Good Intentions in Life
Also on my walk I listened to Elder Bednar’s most recent General Conference talk twice. IT IS AMAZING! I invite you to listen to it and take away something you will do today to take on the divine nature of Christ. I am going to attend the temple after finishing this post …and showering. 🙂 My good intentions of following Christ must not loose steam. I WILL continually strive to live by His example, including attending my Sunday meetings EVERY Sunday and attending the temple often AND bringing my clarified purpose of mortality home with me, in order to implement these purposes in my family’s daily life.
My good intentions in eating a balanced diet seem to be on the outs right now. I am reading “The Plant Paradox” and second guessing all I thought was right about food. I am going to continue reading it and then follow the outlined strategy that God has given us to know truth: Study my questions from divine sources and then pray for answers, given through the Holy Ghost. This promised blessing in James 1, for acquiring knowledge is for churchy questions and temporal questions too.
Have a Good Laugh
We all make mistakes or loose motivation to keep going. Laugh about it and start fresh. We need to give ourselves a break. Forgive and forget refers to you too. Being actively engaged, diligent in their study, and blessed with the companionship of the Holy Ghost doesn’t mean we are perfect. Take the Holy Ghost as your guide and start again. You are worth it!
More Excellent Resources:
“The Opportunities and Responsibilities of CES Teachers in the 21st Century” by President M. Russell Ballard
“That They May Know How to Come Unto Him and Be Saved” by Chad Webb
“The Lord’s System for Education in His Church” by Elder Kim B. Clark
So, whether I am learning about the temple or about nutrition, I go about deciphering truth the same way, the Lord’s way. QUESTIONS ARE GOOD!
As Elder Bednar said, “One of the great challenges each of us faces every day is to not allow the concerns of this world to so dominate our time and energy that we neglect the eternal things that matter most. We can be too easily diverted from remembering and focusing upon essential spiritual priorities because of our many responsibilities and busy schedules. Sometimes we try to run so fast that we may forget where we are going and why we are running.”
I need to remember that my daily and life purpose is to glorify God by doing His Work. Scripture study, temple worship and parenting with purpose is more important than yard work, the latest fad in diets, or other worldly pursuits.
I know Heavenly Father wants me to return to live with Him. I prepare to do this by coming to know Him and His Son Jesus Christ and helping others do the same. I know that as I do these divinely appointed tasks I am filled with joy.