Early Childhood Educator – Kristin Shaeffer

Hi! I write articles and online music courses for parents of infants and toddlers. I am pursuing knowledge to enhance this important work while preparing for opportunities that will allow me to help more families and young students in our ever changing world.

Two careers I am drawn to are:

Click on each of the above pictures to learn why I am considering each profession.

My Most Influential Figures in Elementary Education –

When my children were young, I used Montessori activities to teach them coordination, daily living activities, music, and literacy readiness. I also use many Montessori educational methods in my current music education courses. Active listening, following the child’s lead and being consistent with established boundaries are wonderful things I teach parents so that they can come closer to their toddlers through music.

After reviewing the history of early childhood, the most influential people in my choice of jobs is John Dewey, because he was so progressive in educational methods and Maria Montessori, because of her work with people of all abilities and how she lets children choose and change activities. To implement current educational technology I must be progressive. I want to think out-of-the-box in order to help teachers and students meet performance standards while staying happy and engaged. I agree that children learn through play.

My professional goals are:

  • To become an expert early childhood educator.
  • To develop effective, interactive, beautiful online instruction for the whole child.
  • To be apart of providing for the growing need for excellent online curriculum for families, and
  • To defend the family and home, which is the optimal place for every child.

We educators must use technology to our advantage. Interacting with the past few months’ experience with online interfaces, we can surely progress toward greater distance learning and instruction.

by Kristin Shaeffer, jd****@as*.edu

Kristin in her home recording a video with black top on