Being an involved parent helps your school, you community, but most importantly your own child, who learns quickly that their education is important to YOU. Being on the PTA is one way many parents help. There are so many ways you can contribute a little or a lot in a Parent Teacher Organization. Then there is the choice of being president.
PTA or PTO president is a big job, more so for an elementary school than a middle school. I was really involved in the PTAs of our local public schools when my kids were younger. I was in multiple committees, though I spent the majority of my PTA time at the middle school because it seemed they needed the most help. I LOVED being PTA president, but it can be a lonely hard job.
My good friend and walking partner is PTA president of an elementary school right now and is enthusiastically revolutionizing the environment there. While we were speed walking through the dark cool morning air, she shared some neat ideas and how they originated.
– Professional wrestling fundraiser
– Reading log giveaways
– Gift wrapping service project
Now, you may already do these things at your school, but I am sure you have more PTA ideas.
PLEASE share your ideas in the comment section so that others can benefit from your inspiration. … This may be your contribution to WORLD PEACE! How cool it that?!
Professional Wrestling Fundraiser
SO FUNNY! The new middle school drama teacher is a man of many talents. He is a professional wrestling announcer! He arranged for a traveling wrestling group to do a match/performance at the school! They set up a ring in the middle school cafeteria and everything. Out of the $5 admission $2 went to the wrestlers and $3 to the school. The kids LOVED IT! When do you get to “Boo” and “Hiss”, except at a weird event like this? ADVICE: Be sure to invite all the feeder elementary schools. The younger age group seemed to like it even more than the middle school aged kids.
Reading Log
In the past, the elementary school had a reading log challenge that included
– keeping track of minutes
– hours of data entry by PTA volunteers
– monthly prize (gift card) for top reader
– turn in your log if you read at least once that month (no keeping track of minutes)
– EVERY child that turns in a log gets to choose a book to keep (ongoing book drive in front office) when the PTA rolls a cart from classroom to classroom once a month. FUN!
– No more same privileged kids getting an expensive prize over and over again.
Gift Wrapping Service Project
PTA is so often fundraising. The teachers and students are the beneficiaries of this effort. At my friend’s elementary school the PTA offers to help their teachers with their gift wrapping, a tradition that she is bringing from her old school to the new one! Teachers sign up on a sign-up genius link and parent volunteers wrap for one morning. The wrapping can be of gifts intended for the teachers’ students OR family. It is all done in service and love! And what do the volunteers love doing? Chatting, of course. FUN for ALL!
Merry Christmas to all the PARENT VOLUNTEERS OUT THERE! You sacrifice your time and give your talents to benefit the world one school at a time. Your gift REALLY makes a difference! THANK YOU!
Such great ideas! Thank you for sharing. I would love to witness the wrestling tournament!
I know! Wouldn’t that be a crack up?! I haven’t enjoyed professional wrestling much in the past, but it intrigues me, similar to eating a whole jar of jalapeno infernos, or the Guinness Book of World Records. I would probably pay to see it once and I can see why kids would be fascinated by it too. 🙂